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VITA Canada Territories / Sales Representatives
Canada West Inside Sales – Ciara Sarrasin, tel. 714-221-6702, csarrasin@vitanorthamerica.com
British Columbia – Eman Turner, tel. 778-952-7997, eturner@vitanorthamerica.com
Alberta / Saskatchewan / Manitoba – Chad Congo, tel. 403-797-3414, ccongo@vitanorthamerica.com
Ontario West / NF – Sean Aucoin, tel. 226-929-7778, saucoin@vitanorthamerica.com
Ontario East / NS – Brandon Hlynsky, tel. 416-835-2486, bhlynsky@vitanorthamerica.com
Canada East Inside Sales – Corrine Eledut, tel.714-221-6765, celedut@vitanorthamerica.com
Quebec West – Anne-Marie Plante, tel. 514-707-4750, aplante@vitanorthamerica.com
Quebec East / PEI / NB – Karine Desilets, tel. 819-701-6224, kdesilets@vitanorthamerica.com
VITA USA Territories / Sales Representatives
West Region / Inside Sales – Janell Westbrook tel. 714-221-7011, jwestbrook@vitanorthamerica.com
Northwest (No. CA, WA, OR, NV, AK, NV, ID) – Rhonda Mueller, tel. 628-888-4168, rmueller@vitanorthamerica.com
Mountain (AZ, NM, CO, UT, WY, MT, ND, SD, NE, KS ) – Joost Jorna, tel. 602-632-3229, jjorna@vitanorthamerica.com
So Cal Region / Inside Sales – Matthew Torres, tel. 714-221-6700, mtorres@vitanorthamerica.com
Los Angeles (Los Angeles, HI) – Stephanie Sapien, tel. 626-502-5929, ssapien@vitanorthamerica.com
OCSD (Orange County, San Diego) – Tammy Davis, tel. 562-761-7772, tdavis@vitanorthamerica.com
North Region / Inside Sales – Cecilia Nguyen, tel. 714-221-6775, cnguyen@vitanorthamerica.com
Great Lakes (IL, MN, WI, MI, MO, IA, IN) – Kevin Maidy, tel. 561-927-7727, kmaidy@vitanorthamerica.com
Northeast (MA, RI, CT, NH, VT, ME, NY, NJ, OH, PA, DE, MD, VA, WV, DC, KY) – Steven Denistran, tel. 201-788-9103,
South Region / Inside Sales – Yesenia Martinez, tel. 714-221-6734, ymartinez@vitanorthamerica.com
Southeast (FL, GA, SC, NC, MS, AL, TN, PR) – Robert Ortiz, tel. 310-658-1539, rortiz@vitanorthamerica.com
Central South (TX, AR, OK, LA) – Drew Josephson, tel. 713-882-6028, djosephson@vitanorthamerica.com