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VITA NP BOND (NP = non-precious) improves bonding between metal frameworks and veneering ceramics, particularly in the case of non-precious metal dental alloys, providing greater reliability in fabricating restorations that offer superior long-term stability and esthetics.

Through reliable bonding between the metal framework and the veneering ceramic (such as VITA VMK MASTER and VITA VM 13), VITA NP BOND helps prevent errors occurring as a result of CTE tension between the alloy and the ceramic.


  • Reliable adhesion: by acting as an elastic intermediate layer, NP BOND balances out the different levels of CTE-related tension between the metal and ceramic
  • Effective CTE buffer between the ceramic and metal alloy
  • Improves shade reproduction
  • Saves time as firing with WASH OPAQUE is no longer necessary
  • Thanks to the improved surface structure following BONDER firing, the opaquer can be applied more easily, effectively and evenly