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ENAMIC Polishing

In just a few simple steps, learn how to achieve a natural shine by hand polishing VITA ENAMIC restorations using minimal contact pressure and low RPM.

The VITA ENAMIC polishing sets were developed for reliable, efficient and material-specific surface treatment of Enamic restorations. The sets include various polishing instruments for pre- and high-gloss polishing. These instruments are suitable for careful and gentle polishing of occlusal surfaces, cusps, fissures and contact points of the restoration and produce surfaces with exceptional gloss.

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 Pre-polish with the pink polishers

  • Use 7,000–10,000 RPM and light pressure.
  • Keep moving the polishers around on the surfaces and do not stay in one place too long in order to avoid creating grooves or pits.

High-gloss polish with the grey polishers

  • Use 5,000–8,000 RPM and light pressure.
  • Keep moving the polishers around on the surfaces and do not stay in one place too long in order to avoid creating grooves or pits.


  • Since dust is formed when grinding, always wear a face mask or grind when wet. Use an extraction unit in the laboratory.
  • Do not rework VITA ENAMIC restorations using carbide instruments since these instruments may damage the material. Use only diamond-coated milling tools or special polishers.


Polishing Sets Description Order Number
ENAMIC Polishing Set – clinical 8 pre and high-gloss polishers for contra-angle EENPSETCV1
ENAMIC Polishing Set – technical 8 pre and high-gloss polishers for HP EENPSETT