Holly Garvin from Dental Associates in Appleton, WI and Alex Sakovich from Smile Builders in Palatine, IL were each the lucky winners of a brand new iPAD Air from VITA North America during the annual LMT LAB DAY Chicago, held February 21-22, 2014 at the Sheraton Chicago. To enter to win, participants had to complete an official entry form and attend a VITA North America demonstration clinic. The entry form was included in a pre-show mailer that went out to attendees ahead of the show, making it easy for them to choose from the six VITA North America clinics offered, complete the entry form, attend a demonstration and then drop the entry in the raffle box. VITA North America received a little over 150 entries each day.
VITA North America’s demonstration clinics covered a full range of technical topics and were led by six industry training leaders who helped participants solve problems and learn new techniques. Mark Murphy, DDS taught Shade Taking and Taking it to the Next Level, while Bill Mrazek, CDT led a hands-on presentation entitled The Work Around for Difficult Fixed Cases. Vanik Jinoian, MDT led Color Blending with Full Contour Zirconia, and Amos Harting, CDT presented an interactive program called Fine Tuning your Casework with Character. Dennis Purinton, CDT taught Breaking Free from Assembly Line Removable Denture and Jim McGuire, CDT presented A Technician’s Voice of Reality.
LMT LAB DAY Chicago is the largest international gathering of the dental laboratory community in North America. What began in 1985 with just 31 exhibitors and about 400 attendees has grown to over 200 exhibitors, over 3000 attendees and two days of clinics. This year, laboratory owners, managers and technicians attended the show and enjoyed two full days of education and comparison shopping in the exhibit hall. Registration was free and the event was open to all.
VITA North America has been a provider of innovative dental products since 1985 and is the North American subsidiary of VITA, manufacturer of the internationally recognized Classical Shade Guide, 3D-Master Shade System, Easyshade Advance 4.0, VITA ENAMIC and other quality VITA restorative materials. For information, call 800-828-3839 or visit VITA North America’s website at www.vident.com.

Holly Garvin from Dental Associates in Appleton, WI